Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Watercolor Fun With Salt!

Watercolor painting is great fun for children. We use washable watercolors and watercolor paper from the art and craft store.
These could be amazing holiday gifts when framed for grandparents!
Remember it is about the process, not product for young children. The watercolor tray will quickly look muddy brown or close to black and the water cup will be almost as much fun as painting! Be ready for fingers and hands to be painted or squished into the paint...allow the exploration. For added tactile fun allow children to shake salt onto the wet color and watch what happens. My daughter couldn't wait on the salt to work its magic, she smeared it right away. As long as it's fun, right?
Get creative, cut away sections that are really neat and frame them for your home or as gifts. Also, use sections for making cards.....endless possibilities.
Be Creative....Have Fun!

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